Crosschain Payment
Crosschain payment of Tonspay
By supporting Wallet-V5 & FixFloat, Tonspay can paid transactions for users . Which means Tonspay support crosschain payment & transactions .
For example . User A have TON wallet ton_A
, but it have no TON . Then User A wants to purchas token token_a
on TON . By using Tonspay , User A can sign a purchas singature via ton_A
, and Tonspay will generate an invoice for this action , allows user to paied via differents chain including Solana / Arbitrum / Binance Pay . All the paymen will directly bridge to ton_A
using FixFloat, and when the bridge success , Tonspay will auto boardcast transaction that signed before on TON .
How crosschian payment works ?
For crosschain payment , generally can splited into few step :
Gnerate pre-payment signature & hash , and signed by User .
Bridge the asserts through FixFloat .
When brdige callback , Send signed transaction on chain .
All step are safe and decentralized . It will no more require user to have TON coin for start a new payment . Tonspay can help user to send out the payment via crosschain .
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