The callback body will be sign by a keypair of Tonspay official to avoid callback interface being witch attack .
Body :
{ sign :"The signature data to prove message sended from tonspay"}
The sign are a signature that using ed25519 . Result being encode by base58 , please decode it into bytes by base58.
You will be able to deocde the signature-data by tweetnacl into data ${base64-data}.
Base64-data decode with json.parse:
{"uid":0,//Your merchant user id in telegram bot . Please verfiy if it is your callback."invoiceId":"",//Which invoice this callback for . "paymentMethod":"",//The payment method of the invoice . "confirmedBlock":"",//How many block since the callback confirm . "paymentDetails":{"from":"",//The address of payer . "amount":0,//How much this transaction paid on chain ."hash":"",//The transaction hash of this payment . },"routerFeeDetails":{"from":"",//The address of payer . "amount":"",//How much being charged by payment router ."hash":"",//The sub transaction of router fee ."isPrepaid":bool,//If this transaction being prepaird by merchant by Token . },"createTime":0//The time of this callback .},